Questions about Hair Care products & Marc Daniels Go Curly 150ml
Q. Where can I buy Marc Daniels Go Curly 150ml?
A. Marc Daniels Go Curly 150ml can be bought online on the Live Healthy Online Store.
Q. What's the origin of this item?
A. Marc Daniels Go Curly 150ml is imported out of Australia and manufactured by Marc Daniels.
Q. What's the expiry date for Marc Daniels Go Curly 150ml?
A. At the very least, each product has a use by/expiration date between 12-18 months from the date of purchase. We never sell expired products. The length of time for the expiration date or "best used before" date depends on the type of product, as well as the brand.
Some perishable items (such as certain probiotics) generally have shorter expiration dates.